10 Brilliant Horror Movie Monsters You Were Completely Unprepared For

3. The Long One - Slither

Jack Brooks: Monster Slayer
Universal Pictures

Directed by future MCU hero/ former Troma employee James Gunn, 2006's blackly comic small town sci-fi horror Slither combines the gory practical make up effects of The Thing with the corny self aware humour of the same decade's Night of the Creeps to great effect.

The film follows a sentient alien parasite known only as the Long One which attaches itself to a host via grotesque slugs, tearing bodies asunder as it creates a gigantic creature which stretched the limits of what a movie monster could look like in terms of both size and gross-out detail.

This monstrous disease soon turns an entire town into one writhing blob of flesh, making Brian Yuzna's iconic "shunting" sequence in 1989's dark horror satire Society look tame in the process.

By the film's close surviving locals Nathan Fillion and Elizabeth Banks are facing down a huge mass of hair and limb-strewn flesh centred around the toothy remnants of Michael Rooker, and the gruesome spectacle is one that not even the hardiest horror viewer came into the cineplex prepared for. It's also one they're unlikely to forget in a hurry, try as you might.

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Cathal Gunning hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.