10 Brilliant Moments In Terrible Recent Films

5. The Horde Meets Dr. Staple - Glass

People were understandably a little excited about the prospect of Kevin Wendell Crumb (James McAvoy), David Dunn (Bruce Willis) and Elijah Price (Samuel L. Jackson) all sharing the screen together in M. Night Shyamalan's trilogy-ending superhero thriller Glass.

However, what eventually landed on our screens in 2019 was anything but 'super' and failed to build on the success of both Unbreakable (2000) and Split (2016).

That being said, the film was still able to show-off McAvoy's unbelievable acting chops once again as he struggled internally with Crumb's 24 alternate personalities. This mesmerising conflict is front and centre in one of the only truly compelling exchanges of the entire 129 minute runtime, as the film's main antagonist Dr. Ellie Staple is met with a collection of distinct characters during one of her visits to Crumb.

McAvoy switches gears magnificently from Mr. Pritchard (a professor of cinema) to Hedwig (a nine year-old hyperactive boy) to a Spanish-speaking woman, back to Hedwig and finally lands on the chilling Ms. Patricia. All in one scene!

In the moments where McAvoy is allowed to bring each of these highly detailed voices to life, Glass becomes a whole lot more than the boring waste of time it generally is.

Perhaps a Split sequel focused entirely on the struggles of Kevin Wendell Crumb would've been the better way to go?

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Dark Phoenix
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Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...