10 Brilliantly Self-Indulgent Movie Moments From OTT Actors

2. William Shatner - Star Trek II: The Wrath Of Khan (1982)

Kirk_Khan_1Paramount PicturesIt would be safe to say that William Shatner's acting style is unique, to say the least. Arguably the patron saint of overacting dating back to his days on the original Star Trek series, Shatner's facial expressions and line delivery have been a source of parody for almost 50 years. The pinnacle of this over-the-top style comes with quite possible the most iconic moment in the history of the Star Trek franchise. Given that he spent the majority of his career attempting to be taken seriously outside of Star Trek, it's easy to forget that Shatner is a classically trained actor with an extensive background in Shakespeare. Outside of his majestic spoken word albums, the best use of these talents comes as we see the rage bubbling on his face, followed by a deafening roar that echoes into space. Zachary Quinto tried to repeat the trick in Star Trek Into Darkness and failed miserably, as there is only one man who can deliver the line with enough gusto to make it convincing. All together now; KHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAN!!!!

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