10 Brilliantly Self-Indulgent Movie Moments From OTT Actors

9. Jim Carrey - Batman Forever (1995)

The RiddlerWarner Bros.Jim Carrey isn't exactly know for the subtlety of his work. Although he has given understated dramatic turns in the likes of The Truman Show, Man on the Moon and Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, the Canadian funnyman's career has been built upon the manic energy displayed in the likes of Ace Ventura, Dumb and Dumber and The Mask. However, his most over-the-top performance comes as The Riddler in Joel Schumacher's otherwise disappointing Batman Forever. This isn't just Jim Carrey doing his usual routine; it's Jim Carrey doing his usual routine in a skin-tight green leotard with a bright orange flat-top haircut. Providing the only real energy and charisma in the movie, his Riddler easily overshadows Tommy Lee Jones' hammy Two-Face and Val Kilmer's dull Dark Knight and delivers a cane-twirling, scene-stealing performance of sheer comic-overindulgence that provide a real sense of fun to an ultimately rather tedious movie.

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