10 Brilliantly Self-Indulgent Movie Moments From OTT Actors

8. Gary Oldman - Leon (1994)

Leon - StansfieldColumbia PicturesThere is a simple reason why Gary Oldman is constantly typecast as the villain; because he's so damn good at it. Although he has recently been given rare opportunities in more sympathetic roles, there is no denying that the English actor is at his best when allowed to cut loose as the bad guy. As Agent Norman Stansfield in Luc Besson's thriller, Oldman treads the balance between intensity and outright insanity in a wildly over-the-top performance. His role as Zorg in The Fifth Element almost made this list, but that whole movie was intentionally excessive. Here, Oldman blows everyone else out of the water as his deranged, pill-popping DEA agent that enjoys the works of Beethoven is a tour-de-force display of overacting. The character gets several memorable lines, but the best is when he asks Benny to bring him everyone. EVERYONE!!!

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