10 Brilliantly Self-Indulgent Movie Moments From OTT Actors

4. Al Pacino - The Devil's Advocate (1997)

al pacino devil's advocateWarner Bros.Al Pacino established himself as one of the cinema's greatest actors a long time ago, boasting a resume filled with iconic performances along with one Academy Award win from eight nominations. Sadly, its been a while since the screen legend delivered anything resembling his best work, and he seems content to phone in his parts in a series of lackluster movies. Which is a real shame, as there are few things in the movie business quite like a passionate Al Pacino monologue. One of his best comes with the climactic confrontation towards the end of The Devil's Advocate, when Pacino's John Milton reveals that he is in fact the Devil himself. Up to then, the actor had given a subtle performance loaded with smarts and cunning, but here he really lets loose. Poor Keanu Reeves' bland lawyer is left wilting in the shadow of an acting powerhouse devouring the scenery with a verve, relish and over-the-top sensibility that has been greatly missing in his work for the last couple of decades.

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