10 Brilliantly Versatile Actors With More Faces Than A Rubik's Cube

10. Doug Jones

Doug Jones It'd take a brave person to claim they've always been able to recognise Doug Jones in movies. It might even take a liar. This is not an jibe at Jones. Indeed, the actor himself would probably endorse his unfamiliarity. Jones prides himself on being one of Hollywood's most indistinguishable workers, despite having actually appeared in over forty separate films; with many of them involving much more than mere background work. Aside from starring as the terrifying somnambulist Cesare in David Lee Fisher's ambitious remake of the silent cinema horror classic "The Cabinet of Dr Caligari", Jones has been cast as the Silver Surfer in "Fantastic Four: Rise of the Silver Surfer", as well as delightfully creepy creatures in "Hellboy", "Pan's Labyrinth" and "The Watch". If you've never been a fan of monster-mash movies or films with fantastical creatures, but are forced to watch them by friends or family from time to time, never fear. You can now pass the time by playing 'Spot Doug Jones'. If the screen is filled with infected-looking things, then he's bound to be in there somewhere.
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Gaz Lloyd hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.