10 Brutal Movies With The Biggest Body Counts

7. Kingsman: The Secret Service

Gerard Butler 300

Estimated Body Count: 281

Matthew Vaughn's deliriously entertaining subversion of the James Bond formula is defined by not only its irreverent humour but also its frequently brutal, hyper-stylised action sequences.

The film racks up close to 300 kills - the precise number is difficult to settle on due to the sheer chaos of it all - earmarked by two especially blood-thirsty set-pieces.

The first is the infamous church massacre sequence, where villain Richmond Valentine (Samuel L. Jackson) triggers a SIM card signal which causes a church full of bigots to start murdering one another, with many of the deaths stylishly dealt out by Harry Hart (Colin Firth) himself.

The other avalanche of death comes at the very end of the film, when Merlin (Mark Strong) detonates the failsafe chips implanted in the necks of Valentine's "VIPs" - including his own goons - causing them to be explosively, and colourfully, decapitated.

All in all, well over 200 of the movie's deaths occur within these two sequences, which while brief certainly offer up plenty of bloody bang for their buck.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.