10 Cameos Everyone Wants To See In 2016's Biggest Movies

10. Wolverine - Deadpool

Hey, 20th Century Fox: please confirm that, somehow, Hugh Jackman has wormed his way into the Deadpool movie and has assured himself a sneaky little cameo appearance - it would be the ultimate meta touch in a movie that is set to be absolutely packed to the brim with such things. Also: Wolverine being in anything is always welcome. There has been no official word on this potential cameo, but there are a lot of fans who have a sneaking suspicion that something clever is going on here because Jackman was rumoured to be on set a few months ago. Even if it turns out that Deadpool isn't going to be set in the same cinematic universe as the X-Men movies (because, honestly, how does that even work?), Wolverine could still turn up in this movie regardless; there are no rules in a meta film, after all. Whatever happens, nothing is technically "canon," right? Deadpool looks primed for awesomeness no matter what, but a brief appearance from everybody's favourite X-Men character would go down an absolute treat. Especially if he turns out to either assist Deadpool or - even better - attempts to kick his ass.
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Sam Hill is an ardent cinephile and has been writing about film professionally since 2008. He harbours a particular fondness for western and sci-fi movies.