10 Cameos Everyone Wants To See In 2016's Biggest Movies

3. Peter Parker/Spider-Man - Doctor Strange

Okay, so this might seem like something of a random hankering for a cameo, all things considered, but it makes more sense when you learn that Tom Holland - the new Spider-Man, obviously - was spotted on the set of Doctor Strange a couple of months ago, hanging about with director Scott Derrickson. Now, this could have been a contextless encounter, but it also could have been a clue pointing towards a potential cameo appearance for Spider-Man in the upcoming Doctor Strange flick, which certainly makes for some exciting possibilities. Given that Holland will appear in Civil War beforehand, it would make sense that he might turn up in Doctor Strange later in the year for a chat with Benedict Cumberbatch. Which, of course, is something that every Marvel fan would desperately love to see. Doctor Strange and Spider-Man frequently teamed up in the comics, after all - this, as they say, could very well be the start of an insanely beautiful friendship.
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Sam Hill is an ardent cinephile and has been writing about film professionally since 2008. He harbours a particular fondness for western and sci-fi movies.