10 Cameos That Must Happen In 2015's Biggest Movies

6. Any Existing MCU Characters - Ant-Man

Ant-Man will probably surprise a few sceptical people this year. The project has been troubled for some time - particularly following the departure of Edgar Wright from directorial duties - but the recent trailer allayed a few fears and made people believe that it might just work (as if they didn't trust Marvel Studios in the first place). As the first Earth-based Marvel Cinematic Universe offering to introduce a new titular hero since Captain America in 2011, Ant-Man does run the risk of feeling somewhat distanced from the rest of the franchise. Therefore, appearances from any familiar characters would help to bridge any potential gaps. Flashbacks involving a young Hank Pym working alongside a young Arnim Zola or a young Alexander Pierce would do just fine, for example - although an appearance by a Tony Stark or a Bruce Banner would send fans wild. And of course, no Marvel movie would be complete without the inevitable Stan Lee cameo.

I'm a Tottenham Hotspur fan who loves comics and comic book movies.