10 Cameos That Must Happen In 2015's Biggest Movies

4. Mel Gibson - Mad Max: Fury Road

2015 will see a reboot of the classic late 1970s and 1980s franchise Mad Max. Coming exactly thirty years after the release of the final movie in the original trilogy - Mad Max Beyond the Thunderdome - director George Miller has stated that too long has passed to call the movie a sequel and that he will use the opportunity to reimagine what a post-apocalyptic world might look like. The starring titular role has been passed into the capable hands of Tom Hardy, but it would truly be great if Mel Gibson - the original star - could show up in the movie at some point. Even if he was just a fellow survivor that Hardy's Max Rockatansky encountered for a few seconds, it would be a great nod that would send fans wild.

I'm a Tottenham Hotspur fan who loves comics and comic book movies.