10 Cancelled Movies That Would Have Made Billions

4. Gump & Co.

Paramount Pictures

A Forrest Gump sequel does sound like an inherently awful idea, but you can't deny its box office appeal. It's also based on a novel (of the same name), which lends it a little added street cred when it comes to the naysayers, who would have been sure to ask "Why does this exist?" had it ever made it into theatres. Not really something to worry about now, given that Gump & Co. looks cancelled.

Forrest Gump, of course, stands as one of the most famous movies ever made - it won Best Picture in 1994 and grossed a whopping $667 million dollars worldwide. A lot of folk think it brilliant.

Had Tom Hanks agreed to mount this sequel, then - which picks up the story of the titular hero as he attempts to keep his shrimp company together - at the right time, there's no telling how explosive its box office gross could've been. Heck, if the movie opened today, it'd still probably gross close to a billion dollars, give the affection that people still have for both Hanks and the character.

Still, Gump & Co. has been talked up for years as being "in production," but truth is it'll probably never see the light of day; there look to be far too many complications, and the real moment of opportunity might be lost. Never say never, though: if the movie turned out to be pretty good (don't hold your breath), the resulting box office gross would likely be gargantuan.


Sam Hill is an ardent cinephile and has been writing about film professionally since 2008. He harbours a particular fondness for western and sci-fi movies.