10 Castings For Upcoming Movies That MUST Happen

4. Liam Neeson - The Expendables 4

Master and Commander Chris Hemsworth
Open Road Films

Though it's been an entire seven years since the release of The Expendables 3, Sylvester Stallone recently renewed his resolve to release a fourth film, working on pre-production design elements while the script was being hammered out.

But the thrill of any Expendables movie is less about the finer details of the story than which legendary action stars Stallone can convince to appear.

The Expendables 3 famously saw both Harrison Ford and Mel Gibson brought into the fold, and so expectations will be high that similar-caliber stars will be announced for the next sequel.

Pierce Brosnan has previously thrown his hat into the ring, and while he'd certainly be a great fit, there aren't many ageing action stars who've enjoyed a more prolific level of success in recent years than Liam freakin' Neeson.

Since the release of Taken back in 2008, Neeson has starred in over a dozen action flicks and carved out a surprising niche for himself as a grizzled, older action hero.

To call him a perfect pick for The Expendables 4 is an understatement. How awesome would it be to see him play a veteran sniper or tank gunner who gets called up by Stallone's Barney Ross? He'd fit right in with the existing ensemble, for sure.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.