10 Castings For Upcoming Movies That MUST Happen

3. Wesley Snipes - Abraham Whistler OR Jamal Afari (Blade)

Master and Commander Chris Hemsworth
Well Go USA Entertainment & Marvel Comics

Much like the Fantastic Four, the MCU's Blade movie won't be rushing to cinemas anytime soon, even though Mahershala Ali was confirmed to be playing the Daywalker back in July 2019.

Wesley Snipes, who played Blade in the original trilogy of movies, has expressed his support for Ali's casting as well as his willingness to play a part in the film, whatever that may be.

Many fans have suggested the possibility of Snipes playing the movie's antagonist, allowing the actor to not-so-symbolically pass the torch to Ali through his inevitable demise.

But if that idea ultimately feels a little too cute for its own good, it might be better to cast Snipes in the part of an established supporting character in Blade lore.

Snipes would be an intriguingly left-field pick to play Abraham Whistler, Blade's mentor and a vampire-hunter, who was actually created for the original 1998 movie yet first appeared in a 1995 episode of Spider-Man: The Animated Series.

Snipes would be perfect as Blade's grizzled, world-weary backup, and changing the character's race would also allow this new take to be a more explicitly Black story.

Or better yet, go for the deep cut and cast Snipes as Blade's original comic book mentor, a Black man by the name of Jamal Afari.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.