10 Changes The DCEU Will Make After Justice League

6. Cancel The Cyborg Movie

Justice League Steppenwolf
Warner Bros.

The Cyborg solo film had the potential to be great. As a character who starts out deeply insecure about his appearance because his body is 90% prosthesis, he could have been a role model for anyone who's struggled with self-acceptance.

But Victor Stone's origin was glossed over during Justice League, the two-hour runtime leaving little potential to explore his battle with inner demons, delve into his troubled relationship with his father, and highlight the tragic aspects of the character.

Cyborg was never given the chance to put his best metallic foot forward, and as a result, there's unlikely to be a mainstream market for his planned 2020 solo film. Anyone who felt let down by Justice League - and that's a lot of people - would likely give it a wide berth, and nobody besides the hero's most ardent fans is hyped about it.

Batman and Superman movies are basically critic-proof, but a Cyborg solo film would not be, and may be considered too much of a risk by Warner and DC after Justice League's performance.

The movie will likely be yanked from the schedule, which is a shame because it could have been inspirational if they'd released it before Justice League as an origin story.


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