10 Changes The DCEU Will Make After Justice League

5. More Lightheartedness And Optimism

Justice League Steppenwolf
Warner Bros.

Man of Steel and Batman v Superman were tonal misfires, joyless exercises in character deconstruction, while Justice League was tonally inconsistent. The movie worked best when presenting the heroes as beacons of light and hope, and bouncing them off one another in banter-laden sequences.

The imbalance was the result of two different directors having worked on the film, with Zack Snyder exiting the project late in the game due to a family tragedy and Joss Whedon handling extensive reshoots. It's being pulled in two different creative directions throughout.

The movie's lighter moments were clearly inspired by the success of Wonder Woman, which was upbeat and optimistic throughout, and this will be the norm for most of the upcoming DC movies.

Man of Steel 2 is certain to see a brighter Superman take to the skies, and potentially see the DCEU finally get the character right, while Shazam is expected to be the lightest and most comedic entry in the series to date.

Some DCEU movies will, of course be darker than others. The Batman won't be smiles and laughter all round (except maybe when The Joker's on screen) and Justice League Dark (if it ever gets made) should live up to its name; but generally speaking, the franchise as a whole will be more Wonder Woman-like in tone going forward.


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