10 Changes The DCEU Will Make After Justice League

2. Explore New Genres

Justice League Steppenwolf
DC Comics

Another issue the naysayers had with Justice League was its generic approach to superheroism. It was a by-numbers comic book adaptation with black and white morality that reeked of playing it safe.

DC and Warner Bros will likely try to broaden its horizons in response to these criticisms, and branching out into completely new genres would help expand the the scope and variety the franchise offers.

Getting a director locked down for Green Lantern Corps will become a top priority, as this movie will add cosmic scale to the DCEU and bring strong sci-fi elements to the mix. It's being touted as DC's answer to Guardians of the Galaxy, and that sounds like a good start.

Expanding this idea further, fast-tracking the long-mooted Justice League Dark movie would add a healthy degree of horror and weirdness to the series. Characters like Swamp Thing and Deadman are nothing like any of the heroes that have been introduced so far.

Fine tuning its core heroes and villains is the studios' most immediate concern, but since there are signs of progress on that front, they should consider how they can take the audience out of its comfort zone by introducing them to unique and unfamiliar characters that diversify the DCEU's offer.


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