10 Changes The DCEU Will Make After Justice League

3. Change Special Effects Providers

Justice League Steppenwolf
Warner Bros.

High on the list of Justice League complaints, right up there with tonal inconsistency and a rubbish villain, is ropey special effects. Steppenwolf, the Parademons and Cyborg wouldn't have looked out of place in a video game, and the less said about Henry Cavill's digital shave, the better.

Poor CGI is an issue that has plagued the series since Doomsday stomped onto the scene in Batman v Superman looking like a Lord of the Rings Cave Troll, and it's a problem that has only gotten worse since then.

Suicide Squad's Incubus was even less convincing than Doomsday, and the overabundance of CGI in Justice League only served as a grim reminder of these past failures.

This is a problem DC and Warner Bros can no longer ignore, and there are several ways it could solve it. One would be toning down the use of CGI and bringing some practical effects into the mix, but there's a good chance they will start by changing VFX provider.


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