10 Characters Emily Blunt Could Be Playing In The MCU

3. Star

Emily Blunt Invisible Woman
Marvel Comics

Once upon a time, Blunt was a fan-favourite choice to play Captain Marvel. Oscar-winner Brie Larson ended up landing the role, of course, but there's still a way for the actress to join that franchise and play a slightly different version of the hero. A breakout character in Captain Marvel's latest comic book series, Star is a relatively new creation whose popularity has earned her a title of her own.

Introduced as ambitious reporter Ripley Ryan, she was transformed into the heroic Star before later being revealed as Dr. Minerva's attempt at creating a Kree-human Super-Soldier. Learning the truth about her past pushed Star over the edge and put her on a collision course with Carol Danvers. After losing her abilities, she recently found a new power source in the form of the Reality Stone!

There's a lot here which has big screen potential and while fans are anxious to see Captain Marvel get caught in the midst of the Kree/Skrull War, Star would be a great, Earth-based threat for the hero whose origins could be altered to tie into those alien races and even the Infinity Stone.


Josh Wilding hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.