10 Characters Marvel Studios Can't Currently Use (And Why It Sucks)

10. Alpha The Ultimate Mutant

Alpha the Ultimate Mutant was created artificially by Magneto, after the master of magnetism was defeated by the Avengers in the comic books and imprisoned in the centre of the Earth. He managed to escape and propelled himself towards the s urface. On the way up, he found the underground ruins of a long-lost technologically advanced civilization in New Mexico. Using the machinery and books he found among the ruins, he began bio-engineering "the ultimate mutant". Alpha possessed telepathy, telekinesis, teleportation, forcefield generation, transmutation, the ability to bring inanimate objects to life and a continuously increasing intellect which meant he was a genius of a level beyond human comprehension and which granted him a form of cosmic awareness. His appearances in the comics were rare and he hasn't actually interacted with the X-Men very much, but his origins as a creation of Magneto and connections to the Brotherhood of Evil Mutants make him an "X-property". He has easily defeated characters such as the Hulk, who he turned in to a stone statue, and would be an extremely formidable foe for the Avengers - and seeing that Hulk incident would be pretty damn cool, as defeating one of the Marvel Cinematic Universe's most powerful heroes with such ease would be an awesome thing to see.
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I'm a Tottenham Hotspur fan who loves comics and comic book movies.