10 Characters Marvel Studios Can't Currently Use (And Why It Sucks)

9. Storm

Pretty much everybody knows that Storm is already tied up in the X-Men movie franchise, where she is ably portrayed by the beautiful Halle Berry. She isn't, however, one of the first names most people think of when they imagine a crossover between the X-franchise and the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Wolverine is the obvious one that most people think of, while the inclusion of Scarlet Witch and Quicksilver in the MCU brings Magneto to the forefront of people's minds too. It's true, Storm's association with the current crop of Marvel Cinematic Universe characters is limited. While she has been a part of the Avengers the comics, very rarely will you find somebody who automatically associates her with the group. That said, in the event of a Black Panther movie - which, let's be honest, seems like an inevitability given the rumours and given the fact that Wakanda appeared to be marked on a map back in Iron Man 2 - the absence of Storm would suddenly become far more noticeable to comic book fans. Storm is a long-time love interest of Black Panther and a former Queen of Wakanda (having been married to T'Challa). That relationship is one of Marvel's most deep and interesting and it will be a shame if/when Black Panther appears that it can't be explored on screen.
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I'm a Tottenham Hotspur fan who loves comics and comic book movies.