10 Characters That Could Make Up MCU's Young Avengers

6. Patriot

WandaVision Tommy Billy
Marvel Studios

Episode two of The Falcon and the Winter Soldier introduced a character incredibly important to the history and legacy of the super soldier serum in Isaiah Bradley. The man who fought Bucky in 1951 has already had a huge impact on Sam Wilson, but his grandson could have an even bigger role in the future of the MCU.

He wasn't even mentioned by name, as the powerful scene was there to deepen Sam's insight into the dark history of the super soldier serum rather than tease anything coming in the future, but the man who opened the door to Sam and Bucky was Elijah Bradley, Isaiah's grandson and founding member of the Young Avengers in the comics.

Though he wasn't born with any abilities, Eli took a Mutant Growth Hormone to enhance himself with superhuman powers before being recruited by Iron Lad instead of his father. Taking the name Patriot, Eli suited up in a similar fashion to Bucky's original costume, and started his new career as a superhero.

Along with Nathaniel Richards, Hulking, and Wiccan, Patriot was one of the original members of the team, and grew to become something of a leader, along with the person in the ranks he was closest to...


This standard nerd combines the looks of Shaggy with the brains of Scooby, has an unhealthy obsession with the Marvel Cinematic Universe, and is a firm believer that Alter Bridge are the greatest band in the world.