10 Characters Who Could Replace Iron Man In The MCU

1. Cyclops

The Iron Spider
Marvel Comics

The X-Men might seem like they’re a long way off, but that’s only down to logistics. Initially, there was fear of audience confusion, oversaturation, mix ups between the MCU X-Men and the Fox X-Men (FoX-Men?).

However, since only about twelve people have gone to see the absolute bomb of X-Men: Dark Phoenix, they’re on safe ground. However, explaining how mutants exist and why nobody has ever mentioned them before remains tricky, as does what to do with the canonically mutant Scarlet Witch.

Leaving all that aside though, Cyclops is a great choice as ‘the next Iron Man’, whatever that may be. The FoX-Men focussed almost exclusively on Wolverine, Mystique, Magneto and Xavier, throwing the spotlight occasionally onto Cyclops, Jean, Storm or Beast whenever it was convenient.

This unfortunately left a lot of the plot strands threadbare, hence why the Dark Phoenix storyline fell apart twice. It also robbed us of a chance to see Cyclops as the leader he was always shown to be in the comics.

The MCU could rectify this, and unless it goes in the (potentially brilliant) Avengers Vs X-Men direction, Cyclops could assume a position of authority within the Avengers themselves.

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Self appointed queen of the SJWs. Find me on Twitter @FiveTacey (The 5 looks like an S. Do you get it? Do you get my joke about the 5?)