10 Characters Who Could Replace Iron Man In The MCU

2. She-Hulk

The Iron Spider
Marvel Comics

With the A-Force inspired ‘she’s got help’ moment being one of the most talked about (yet divisive) moments from Avengers: Endgame, She-Hulk became conspicuously absent.

Previously she was yet another character they hadn’t yet gotten around to, one who might feature in the MCU eventually, if the story called for it. Suddenly though, by the movie paying tribute to the squad she’d led without so much as a hint of her arriving, she’s found herself in the spotlight.

Her somewhat unique gimmick of Hulk like strength while keeping her regular personality has been stepped on by Professor Hulk, and having literally saved the universe, the heroes might not be needing legal counsel soon. After Age Of Ultron, the time seemed right to introduce her.

Now though, who knows what the world will be like post Endgame? Literally half the population have been frozen in time while the other half has gone on living; some moving on, others grieving the loss.

It could be a very strange world indeed, and with She-Hulk’s experience on various super teams and her eloquent diction, she could bridge the gap the way Tony once did; plus that Hulkbuster is just waiting around for someone...

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Self appointed queen of the SJWs. Find me on Twitter @FiveTacey (The 5 looks like an S. Do you get it? Do you get my joke about the 5?)