10 Characters You Didn’t Know Exist In The MCU

6. Silk

Spider Man Homecoming Miles Morales Silk

Spider-Man is one of several vigilantes with arachnid-like superpowers in the Marvel Universe. Cindy Moon was the second person to be bitten by the radioactive bug that gave Peter Parker his abilities in the comic books.

While Peter was getting to grips with his powers and honing his crimefighting techniques, Cindy was taken to a facility by a man named Ezekiel Sims and trained up in secret. More than a decade later, she is released to assume the identity of Silk.

Cindy Moon made her MCU debut in Spider-Man: Homecoming. She's the Midtown student who begs Peter to attend the decathlon, and is later seen trapped in the Washington Monument elevator when the Chitauri Energy Core explodes.

Could we see Cindy suit up as Silk in a future Spider-Man movie sequel? It's certainly possible. Given that Homecoming also put Miles Morales on the MCU roadmap, Marvel Studios could be plotting a film involving multiple arachnid heroes.


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