10 Cinematic Summonings Of The Devil

2. The Prophecy

The Prophecy As previously stated, this list proved quite troublesome in its compilation and an initial draft included not only Viggo Mortensen's alluring abhorrent angel but also Peter Stormare's wonderful turn as the Lightbringer in Constantine. The similarities don't end there, though, as both versions square off against the angel Gabriel at the climax. So though I wholeheartedly recommend Constantine, perhaps giving out another impromptu honorary mention, for me the version of Lucifer that I keep coming, and will always come back to is Mortensen's. Most cinematic versions of the Devil elicit a certain sense of asocial agreement, twisted sympathy or camp laughs but on first viewing the Prophecy's rose eating fallen angel leaves one genuinely unsettled. This movie is definitely one of the little known gems of not only Mortensen's career, but also Christopher Walken's as well. Whereas fault may be found in a film such as Constantine, it is very hard to find any fault in any of the first three Prophecy movies - least of all the first. Once watched, I defy anyone to look at Aragorn in the same way ever again.

David is grateful not only for the opportunity WhatCulture! has given him but also for the tens of thousands of views that you have given him. Particularly, when he still considers his efforts as somewhat clumsy and amateurish. Like H.P. Lovecraft, David will probably never be happy with his own work. Still this doesn't stop him studying E-Prime, Game Theory, Tantra, Magic, Media Analysis & Criticism along with many other things outside of his top secret day to day job and writing for WhatCulture! All of this in a no doubt conceited effort to improve not only his writing but also himself as a person.