10 Cinematic Summonings Of The Devil

9. Invocation of My Demon Brother

Invocation Of My Demon Brother Founder of the Church of Satan and High Priest, the late Anton LaVey indulged in more than a little bit of myth making when he was alive. Rumours abound as to his input and appearance in various movies. One appearance that can definitely not be doubted is his role as His Satanic Majesty in close friend Kenneth Anger's Invocation of My Demon Brother. Anton appears part way through the short piece, wearing his infamous hooded robe laid over imagery of fire and Hell's Angels. Part of Anger's Magick Lantern Cycle, which in itself is a collection of short films that attempt to translate and explore occult themes in the cinematic medium; Invocation blends together ceremonial magical ritual, jarring audio provided by Mick Jagger, heady visuals and the aforementioned invocation (which in this case may be seen as method acting the roles of spiritual entities) to create an altered, and therefore magical state of consciousness within the viewer. Cliché, but not amount of prose can do this movie justice: it truly does have to be seen to be believed and can be found in its entirety here.

David is grateful not only for the opportunity WhatCulture! has given him but also for the tens of thousands of views that you have given him. Particularly, when he still considers his efforts as somewhat clumsy and amateurish. Like H.P. Lovecraft, David will probably never be happy with his own work. Still this doesn't stop him studying E-Prime, Game Theory, Tantra, Magic, Media Analysis & Criticism along with many other things outside of his top secret day to day job and writing for WhatCulture! All of this in a no doubt conceited effort to improve not only his writing but also himself as a person.