8. Holding Hands - Wall-E
When Wall-E is restored after his adventures, trials and tribulations throughout the film, there is a moment where the audience believe he has lost his memory. Just the thought that the little robot might forget his more modern partner in crime from another planet, Eve, it's a truly sad moment. Wall-E is so simple, yet so loyal and loving that the audience automatically feel a sense of protection over him, and knowing that he's worked so hard to gain Eve's affections and it may all soon be lost through no fault of either of theirs is just heart-wrenching. The point where Eve holds his hand and waits patiently is so bittersweet that at this point many tearducts are already threatening to burst their banks. Although this is a Disney Pixar movie, the moment between Wall-E and Eve when his memory knocks back into place hits home with viewers of all ages. I'm not ashamed to admit I shed a tear.