10 Classic Films That Actually Live Up To Their Legendary Status

4. Seven Samurai

Mr Smith Goes To Washington

When a foreign film has been remade at least 3 times by Hollywood, you know it is epic.

Well, Seven Samurai is certainly that. The story of villagers hiring a group of Samurai to protect them from invaders is simply stunning and moved the film industry forward by itself with the use of its action sequences and ensemble cast.

There are few people in all of movie history that will ever garner total acclaim for their work, but Akira Kurosawa is one of them. He was a man of vision and discipline when it came to making his films, which is why he has become one of the only foreign film directors to truly earn the kudos of Hollywood in his lifetime.

There just has never been a film like Seven Samurai, it hasn't aged at all and to this day feels like it could have been made last year. Whilst the huge 3.5-hour run-time will put some off, it passes so quickly as you are drawn into the tale of honour and war.

The Magnificent Seven was Hollywood's adaptation of the film, which was later remade again with Denzel Washington. A Bug's Life is also partially based on the film, which is a remarkable leap from the original 1954 film.


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