10 Classic Films That Actually Live Up To Their Legendary Status

3. The Maltese Falcon

Mr Smith Goes To Washington
Warner Bros.

A classic detective story of a private eye tasked with brokering a deal for the exchange of a priceless artefact, starring Humphrey Bogart.

The Maltese Falcon set the standard for all sleuth films yet to come and is a complex, winding tale of backstabbing and double-dealing. Set around the deal to bring the prized jewel-encrusted Maltese Falcon to the US so it can be bought by the evil Kasper Gutman, the film has so many layers and complexities to every relationship that is featured that even the audience doesn't know who to trust.

In true Bogart fashion, he never loses his cool and remains stoic in his facing down of some nefarious characters. John Huston's delicate direction and perspective mean that the film is never one cut away from turning on its head and making fools of those who you think know what is going on.

The fact that the film has influenced everything from James Bond to Sherlock is proof of its status. Nothing about the film feels old and the prop of the Falcon used in the film even made a cameo in Once Upon A Time In Hollywood, since it is now owned by Leonardo DiCaprio.


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