10 Classic Halloween Movies To Watch This October 2021
4. Alien

Like most films that are hailed as masterpieces, Alien had less than a glowing reception when it was released. Many critics regarded it as suffering from "imaginative poverty," believing it paled compared to superior sci-fi like 2001: A Space Odyssey and Star Wars (which only came out two years prior).
But the years have been extremely kind to Ridley Scott's film since it's now regarded as a must-see. Even though James Cameron's sequel, Aliens, is superior in action and general awesomeness, its predecessor is among the scariest films ever made.
Because the chest-bursting scene is so memorable, it's easy to forget how meticulously crafted every other part of the film is. The producers hated how much time Ridley Scott spent setting up each shot but it was worth it since not a single frame is wasted. The sets and visual effects are gorgeous. When you watch the astronauts arrive on the extra-terrestrial ship and discover the Space Jockey, it's easy to forget the actors are on a set.
Whether you watch Alien for the first or the tenth time, you're guaranteed to jump when the scares start happening.