10 Classic Movies People Wrongly Call Overrated
8. 2001: A Space Odyssey
Much of the criticism from the ‘2001: A Space Odyssey is overrated’ camp centres around it being too long, too boring and too enigmatic and while these might be justified critiques.
There is indeed a distinct lack of the intergalactic battles cinemagoers have come to expect from the sci-fi genre and very little dialogue (only around 40 minutes in total and none at all in its opening and closing sequences), nor is there a tidy plot resolution – they also seem to be common criticisms amongst modern audiences perhaps more used to big bangs, instant gratification and dialogue explaining every plot turn.
It’s been a divisive film from the moment it was released on these very grounds, but there’s a reason why George Lucas hailed the ‘ultimate science fiction’ movie: it’s a ground-breaking, trope-defying, visual rather than verbal movie that set the standard for sci-fi for years to come.