10 Classic Movies People Wrongly Call Overrated

6. Blade Runner

Blade Runner Roy Batty

Like its precursor and fellow sci-fi classic 2001: A Space Odyssey, Blade Runner has fallen victim to the trend of dismissing the pioneering sci-fi films of yesteryear as over-glorified and old-fashioned and too slow-paced and meandering.

Maybe it’s because contemporary cinemagoers expect more action and scary aliens from their sci-fi films today or maybe we’re pissed off that we’re not whizzing around in flying cars like the genre promised. Either way, it’s sad to see more thoughtful sci-fi movies so flippantly brushed off as overrated.

Not only does Blade Runner’s mix of film noir and cyberpunk aesthetics culminate in one of the most visually arresting movies ever made, it’s foretelling of the future (discounting those flying cars) – globalization, pollution, increasingly intelligent machines, the omnipresence of advertising, the blurred lines between humans and machines – make it one of the most prophetic, realistic sci-fi films cinemagoers have ever seen.


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