10 Classic Movies People Wrongly Call Overrated

5. Fight Club

fight club face mask
20th Century Fox

It might not be the best film ever made, it might not even be David Fincher’s best film (that privilege seems reserved for either Se7en or Zodiac depending on who you’re talking to). But to call Fight Club overrated and dismiss it solely as a stylistic albeit entertaining film about raging against the capitalist machine and reclaiming masculinity with a hip plot twist – rather than a commentary on the failure of both mindless consumerism and extremism, and many other mindless isms, to provide meaningful solutions to modern problems – is to read it on a superficial level.

Yes, it may very well have one of the most annoyingly adolescent fan bases a movie has ever attracted – one that’s all too quick to knee-jerk react to the apparent machismo of beating each other bloody and wrecking sh*t – and yes, it’s a bit dated in the sense that it’s full of the kind of trite, anti-consumerist slogans that have since become the fodder of every Facebooking armchair anarchist’s post - but it’s still a visually stunning and, if viewed on a level deeper than its stylish veneer, thought-provoking film.


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