10 Classic Movies That Are (If Anything) Underrated

9. Star Wars

Why Do People Think It€™s Overrated? Star Wars is a movie so big that people who haven't seen it carry such an 'achievement' as if it's a badge of honour. It's an immortal, medium-redefining film whose reboot can by mere presence render excitement for all other upcoming movies moot. And, with such weight behind it, of course there's going to be people who look at a humble hero's journey and find the whole thing a bit lacking. This is only exacerbated by its legacy. Not just stuck with the revolutionary label (good for the history books, but hard on reputation), it's consistently treated as a lesser to its sequel, The Empire Strikes Back; while Episode V has only grown in estimation from its initially mixed reaction, the first film (now commonly called A New Hope) finds itself playing second fiddle to the more 'mature' story. Much of this school of thought has been motivated by the prequel backlash. George Lucas' three misfires showed the classics that preceded them weren't as infallible as many thought. This had a major impact on Return Of The Jedi, unanimously regarded as the weakest of the originals, but also feels like it's inexplicably hurt Star Wars. Why Isn€™t It? Now let's not mince words: Star Wars is the incredible movie it always was (if you can track down a low-picture, but high-actual, quality pre-Special Edition cut) - equal parts epic fantasy and down-and-dirty realistic sci-fi. The fact it doesn't go to as dark places as later entries has been mistaken for a lack of underlying worth, which is completely and utterly off point; this is a film with an unprecedented sense of wonder.

Film Editor (2014-2016). Loves The Usual Suspects. Hates Transformers 2. Everything else lies somewhere in the middle. Once met the Chuckle Brothers.