10 Classic Movies That Are (If Anything) Underrated

4. Titanic

Why Do People Think It€™s Overrated? A three hour movie about the most famous sinking of all time that serves as the backdrop for a tale star-crossed lovers and went on to dominate the Oscars, winning the equal-most statues ever. How could this not be overrated? Why Isn€™t It? This is gonna be a bit of a trickier one. Unlike some of the other films on this list, there's a slight snootiness emerged from the consistent backlash - whereas every other film on this list will be appreciated in some form, many would slate Titanic as an actively bad movie. However, most of the key criticisms levelled against the film were evident before it was released. All that stuff about length, fictional heroes and predictable ending have their origins in the majorly negative pre-release press coverage, which were quickly destroyed when James Cameron released his behemoth on the world. In the years since, when memories of the film replace the experience of actually going back and watching it, people seem to have forgotten that Titanic is a great watch, letting reinforced cynicism blot out contemporary opinion. Visually resplendent and strongly told, Titanic is a movie that in a macro sense hits every single one of its targets, making any micro moments of cringe irrelevant. You'll laugh, you'll cry, and you'll realise there was no feasible way for them to both get on that piece of driftwood without it sinking. As an added bonus for Titanic obsessives, the film is a treasure-trove of historical Easter eggs - the backgrounds of shots are as impeccably realised as the foreground of A Night To Remember. Yes, it's filtered through the eyes of two fictional characters, but this is a wholly authentic representation of the cold spring night.

Film Editor (2014-2016). Loves The Usual Suspects. Hates Transformers 2. Everything else lies somewhere in the middle. Once met the Chuckle Brothers.