10 Classic Movies We Need To See In IMAX

1. Toy Story (1995)

An unconventional choice perhaps, but given how fantastic Toy Story 3 looked on an IMAX screen, one can only begin to dream that one day - hopefully not following the announcement of a fourth film - Toy Story might not only crawl its way back onto our cinema screens, but manage to amass an IMAX screening in the process also. Animated films typically get an easier break on bigger screens given their inherent lack of detail, but Toy Story is a film of such hilarious, moving beauty that its emotional impact - much like the third film - would only be accentuated on a bigger screen.

And after all, who can resist hearing "You've Got a Friend In Me" with the sublime, ridiculous speaker system of an IMAX cinema, coupled with those glorious visuals, which have aged insanely well given the film being close to 20 years old?

Did we miss anything ? Let us know what else you want to see on an IMAX screen.


Frequently sleep-deprived film addict and video game obsessive who spends more time than is healthy in darkened London screening rooms. Follow his twitter on @ShaunMunroFilm or e-mail him at shaneo632 [at] gmail.com.