10 Classic Movies We Need To See In IMAX

2. Aliens (1986)

James Cameron's Aliens is among the most intense and brilliant action film sequels ever made - alongside his own Terminator 2 - taking the more sedate aesthetic of the original film and transforming it into something far more terrifying, and arguably, brilliant. It goes without saying that this would look absolutely stunning on the biggest screen possible, with the recent Blu-Ray released only enforcing the fidelity of the restoration. Cameron also invests himself fully in the visual quality of the picture; the action is not at the expense of a firm direction, and indeed, Aliens is a robust-looking actioner that is quite marvellous to behold.

Roger Ebert famously suggested that Aliens was almost too intense an action film, reducing him to an antisocial wreck, and we can only imagine that this effect would be exaggerated in IMAX; nobody would talk to anyone, we would all be equally stunned, and we'd all stare on in awe at one of Cameron's several masterpieces.


Frequently sleep-deprived film addict and video game obsessive who spends more time than is healthy in darkened London screening rooms. Follow his twitter on @ShaunMunroFilm or e-mail him at shaneo632 [at] gmail.com.