10 Classic Special Effects That Put Modern Hollywood To Shame

9. Friday the 13th (1980)

Friday the 13th - Jason Boat Friday The 13th showcases how crazy talented makeup/special effects legend Tom Savini really is. I remember watching this movie for the first time when I was a kid and being really freaked out by how real the death scenes looked. Highlights include a hatchet to the face of an unsuspecting victim, a pair of slit throats, death via archery, and an awesome decapitation that ranks up there as one of the best in movie history. Kevin Bacon€™s death (which involves him being stabbed through the throat with an arrow) has always been my favorite out of all the murders that take place in the film as it looks extremely real and severely painful. Series villain Jason - who doesn€™t make an appearance until the end - also looks very impressive and just damn creepy thanks to Savini€™s hard work. The special effects in this film are awesome and look better than those from most of the horror films that I€™ve seen in the last ten years of so (don€™t get me started on how much I hate the use of CGI blood).
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Todd Martin is a writer and sometimes actor who has performed in a number of low budget films and on stage. He is a walking encyclopedia of horror film knowledge and in his free time he enjoys comic books, video games, watching wrestling, and bitching about everything and anything.