10 Clues For The Future Of The Marvel Cinematic Universe

5. Adam Warlock

Adam Warlock is a key character in the Guardians Of The Galaxy mythos in the comic books and a very important part of the Infinity Gauntlet story arc - an arc that is set to be adapted on the big screen with the Avengers: Infinity War movies. Although it's now pretty much a given that he will appear on screen in the Marvel Cinematic Universe (not that it's actually 100% confirmed), it hasn't always been so obvious. However, his introduction was foreshadowed quite some time ago. At the conclusion of Thor: The Dark World in 2013, the Aether was taken to Benicio del Toro's Collector in order to distance it from the Tesseract on Asgard. While Sif and Volstagg were handing it over, a cocoon was clearly visible amongst the Collector's many exhibits - a cocoon very much like the one from which Adam Warlock emerges from hibernation in the Marvel comic books. It would appear that Marvel Studios have planned the introduction of the character for a while and it is generally assumed that Warlock exited his cocoon when the Collector's museum was damaged in Guardians Of The Galaxy.

I'm a Tottenham Hotspur fan who loves comics and comic book movies.