10 Comedy Actors Who Became Ripped Action Stars

4. Simon Pegg

kumail nanjiani
Southpaw Entertainment

Simon Pegg has never been an actor to shy away from a challenge, with the actor throwing himself into everything from zombie-slaying dark comedies to all-out action spectaculars in the Mission: Impossible franchise throughout the course of his career.

However, you could argue that Pegg took on his biggest challenge to date when he agreed to star in 2020 thriller Inheritance. In order to fit the brief of the character - lean, VERY lean - Pegg spent six months getting his body weight down from 78kg to 69kg. His body fat also dropped from 12% to 8% after combining a mix of strength training, circuits, and trail runs with a sound nutrition plan.

Simon Pegg Inheritance

The results speak for themselves as Pegg looks almost unrecognisable with his shredded abdominal region and incredibly toned physique. Whether or not the actor chooses to maintain this disciplined lifestyle is another question entirely. But, for now, you can't help but salute what must have been a gruelling transformation for the star of Run Fatboy Run.


Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...