10 Comic Book Castings That Were Perfect (But In A Different Role)
The right actors, but definitely the wrong roles.
Comic book movie casting is a tricky business. Just ask the casting agents working on Batman Vs Superman. The whole Batfleck reaction was insane and more controversy has erupted since Warner Bros. announced Jesse Eisenberg would be the new Lex Luthor. Both Affleck and Eisenberg are talented actors in their own right, but many fans still object to their casting. The key issue is that neither actor is terrible but they're both terrible for THOSE roles. Have you ever watched a comic book film and thought a particular actor was terrific, just not for the part they were given? "Right movie, wrong role" syndrome has plagued many a superhero movie, so let's set the record straight and re-imagine 10 tricky comic book castings by recasting them in different roles that the actors are better suited for. Whether you agree or disagree with the following choices, let us know what you think either way by writing in the comments section below. What do those Hollywood casting agents know anyway, right?