10 Comic Book Characters That Need The Brightburn Treatment
4. Mystique
While a Brightburnt Catwoman would be graceful, silent and act without a trace, a horror style Mystique would have far less subtlety. A transforming killer has been done before in various sci fi TV shows, but Mystique offers another angle.
The X-Men movies toyed with exploring Mystique’s twisted psyche and fear of abandonment, especially in X-Men: First Class, but never really dug too deep below the surface. A Brightburnt version of the character could do just that.
Set in a world of mutants, Mystique could be a double agent or cultist (with Magneto as the cult leader, of course), exacting revenge. Her killings could have a political bent to them, or else play up the horror angle of her constant body switching.
A Jack the Ripper style story with Mystique as a street walker taking out her own kind has potential too. It’s a shame the Fox X-Men neutered her, despite making her one of the central star. She has a lot more potential than the movies suggest.
A Mystique style Brightburn seems at once one of the most open yet least likely; still, it’s fun to speculate.