10 Comic Book Characters Who Would Make Great Horror Movies

8. Hawk-Man And Hawk-Girl

Blackest Night Cover
DC Comics

The problem with Hawkman and Hawkgirl is that they’re actually quite brutal and no one realises it, so to the audience, it seems like the power couple are angels flying gracefully in the sky. You could really play with this theme, showing their acts of heroism on two sides.

One side is the audience seeing them as classic superheroes - the other side is the citizens of the city the two are trying to “protect” who see them as violent vigilantes who are too powerful to be controlled. With this storyline, you can utilise the gory side of horror, showing them use their weapons in macabre ways. I mean, how else are you going to explain Hawkman’s mace?

You can even go even further and explain that Hawkman is a warrior on Thanagar that was too unruly to keep on his own planet so he is banished to Earth, under the false pretenss that he is on our planet to take out an invisible threat called Bth.

Taking inspiration from “Superman: Doomsday”, you could really play on the slasher side of horror films as Hawkman is beating people senseless because he thinks that they are his target... only for the “Bth” story to be fabricated and Hawkman be revealed as the real villain.


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