10 Comic Book Creators Who Hate Comic Book Movies

9. Mark Waid

Mark Waid is a prolific comic book writer noted for his work on Daredevil, The Flash, Superman and Captain America. Speaking to Den Of Geek, he revealed his strong dislike for DC Entertainment€™s gritty, moody approach to superhero cinema that we've seen in the likes of The Dark Knight and Man Of Steel. "You€™re a superhero. Shut up and enjoy having superpowers,€ he said, outlining his opinion pretty clearly, before going onto further explain that "people being morose about lives that are much more interesting and exciting" than his really winds him up. For these very reasons, he€™s particularly un-keen on Man Of Steel, Zack Snyder€™s take on DC€™s big blue boy scout that Waid has written for many times in the comics. He wrote this in his review for Thrillbent, €œSome crazy guy in front of us was muttering €œDon€™t do it€don€™t do it€DON€™T DO IT€€ and then Superman snapped Zod€™s neck and that guy stood up and said in a very loud voice, €œTHAT€™S IT, YOU LOST ME, I€™M OUT,€ and his girlfriend had to literally pull him back into his seat and keep him from walking out and that crazy guy was me.€ If I ever meet him, I'll ask if he prefers the more brightly coloured Superman Returns.

Film & TV journo. Quite tall.