10 Comic Book Creators Who Hate Comic Book Movies

8. Mark Millar

Kick-Ass and Kingsman scribe Mark Millar has written for Marvel, DC and pretty much every other comic book company. He€™s been heavily involved in bringing his own ideas to the screen, and helps oversee Fox€™s X-Men and Fantastic Four film franchises. However, one comic book film really didn€™t impress him €“ Man Of Steel. He was so distressed by Snyder€™s moody Superman movie that he wrote an article for Total Film about how much it traumatised him. €œI love cartoonish ultra-violence as much as the next Glaswegian,€ he admitted, before later admitting that when he saw Superman kill Zod in the third act of that film, he really wasn't pleased. "This was Superman. This was like seeing Sylvester the Cat finally getting his hands on Speedy Gonzales. Elmer Fudd blowing away Bugs Bunny," he explained. "I loved Superman as a kid not because of his edginess or his potential for a fatal solution, but because he could do anything he wanted and still chose to be nice.€ Millar wrote his next comic €“ Huck €“ as a direct reaction to the gritty morbidity of Man Of Steel. It's about a superhero with learning difficulties, who does good deeds every day. Presumably, Huck doesn't go around snapping necks and levelling cities then.

Film & TV journo. Quite tall.