10 Comic Book Creators Who Hate Comic Book Movies

7. Gerry Conway

Gerry Conway is the writer who - among many other credits, at both DC and Marvel - penned the famous The Night Gwen Stacy Died comic that Sony later incorporated into their The Amazing Spider-Man 2 film. Speaking to the Superior Spider Talk podcast after the movie€™s release, he admitted that he isn€™t fully convinced by comic book cinema. €œMy overall reaction to the piece, is that it reflects the problems that are kind of inherent in doing these big budget single movie adaptations of serial comic book stories,€ he explained, before elaborating on the topic that "you have months on months on months where you can develop characters" in the comics, whereas movies lack that opportunity for depth. €œIn a movie, you€™re basically trying to cram two or three years worth of story into two hours,€ he lamented. He also believes that "there€™s an argument to be made that television might be a better fit for certain longform comic book stories.€ €œI think they handled the death of Gwen very very well,€ Conway also made sure to mention, although it€™s clear that he€™s not the biggest fan of comic book movies in general. He does enjoy Arrow, on The CW, though.

Film & TV journo. Quite tall.