10 Comic Book Movie Henchmen Who Deserve Way More Praise
9. KGBeast - Batman Vs Superman (2016)
One of the best scenes in such a terrible film involved Batman's assault on Lex Luthor's warehouse to rescue Martha "Why did you say that name?" Kent;
The entire scene is "Classic Batman" as he uses the shadows, aerobatics, gadgets and brute force to drill through the warehouse. It's so much fun, it's a genuine shame that we won't see more Batfleck scenes like it in the future.
If Batman had torn through without a boss at the end, there would have been a slight deflation to the scene too. Thankfully, a recognised villain was at the scene too and given this character's previous interactions with Bruce Wayne, we can even say that KGBeast was more Batman's level of villainy than a squaring off at the end with a twenty-foot Kryptonian troll zombie.
KGBeast even goes out memorably. For eagle-eyed viewers, his death pays homage to a very recognisable scene from The Dark Knight Returns in which Batman eliminates a mutant that is holding a young girl hostage.
Overall though, if you don't consider him a memorable or true henchman because of the above, give the guy credit for putting up with Jesse Eisenberg's Lex Luthor, something only a real hero could endure.