10 Comic Book Movie One Liners That Were Unintentionally Hilarious

1. "Why Did You Say That Name!?" - Batman V Superman: Dawn Of Justice

Storm One Liner
Warner Bros. Pictures

And finally, we have the most widely reviled superhero movie one-liner from the last few years, and one that's sure to live on in infamy even once Batman v Superman is a distant memory.

Just as Batman (Ben Affleck) is about to finish Supes (Henry Cavill) off with a Kryptonite-infused spear, the Man of Steel begs him to "save Martha". Superman's obviously referring to his mother Martha (Diane Lane), but because Bruce's dead mother is also named Martha, it gives him a moment for pause.

Cue Bruce maniacally screaming "Why did you say that name!?" over and over again in what's nothing if not the most ham-fisted embodiment of the movie's huge scripting and execution problems.

The scene is supposed to humanise Superman in Bruce's eyes - as he realises that he actually has a "mother" - but it was largely laughed off by fans as a contrived way to unite the heroes against Lex Luthor (Jesse Eisenberg).

Soon enough fans started comparing it to the hilarious "Did we just become best friends?" scene from Step Brothers, and they've never really stopped.

Try watching the scene with a straight face now. Just try it.

Got any other unintentionally hysterical comic book one-liners to share? Shout them out in the comments!

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.